Why is a cookie banner relevant in 2023?

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The cookie banner will not go away anytime soon. It exists for a reason: GDPR compliance, which we can all agree is critical.

Good old cookie banner has been around for more than 15 years. It’s easy to understand and use, and it helps websites provide a better user experience. Why is a cookie banner relevant in 2023? TLDR? It helps to comply with GDPR for data privacy.

It’s still here for a reason. 

The cookie banner will not go away anytime soon. It exists for a reason: GDPR compliance, which we can all agree is critical (especially for your finance people, who might pick up your fines tab.).

The mighty cookie banner ensures that your website complies with the EU’s new data regulations protecting your users, informing them of their right to know what type of information is stored, and how it is used by companies.

It’s been around, you know? 

Like, 15 years. It was first introduced in 2002 when the European Union’s ePrivacy Directive required website owners to tell their users what cookies they were using and why they were using them, created to help users understand how cookies work so they can make informed decisions about whether or not they want to allow cookies on their devices. It has a significant impact on privacy issues handling.

A cookie banner is easy to understand and use!

Cookie banners are easy to find and understand. It displays in the browser when you enter a website that uses cookies. They tell you which data is stored and how to delete it. It’s just one click away, so there’s no need for any extra actions on your part, talk about ease of use. They’re always accessible in your browser, so there’s no need for additional downloads or plugins that could slow down your computer’s performance.

Cookies are still relevant because they help websites provide a better user experience.

You see, cookies are still relevant because they help websites provide a better user experience. Cookies help keep track of your preferences and activity on a website so that it can:

  • Remember what you’ve done in the past, which makes it easier for you to get to where you want to go next time
  • Load faster by remembering what parts of the page have already been downloaded previously. This also helps make things like shopping carts more reliable
  • Provide a more personalized experience based on what information has been saved from prior visits
  • Provide more secure experiences by storing passwords or credit card numbers in encrypted form

Do you know what relevant cookies bring with them? Yeah, relevant cookie banners. 

But why is a cookie banner relevant in 2023? It helps GDPR data privacy

The cookie banner is still relevant today because it helps websites provide a better user experience. It also helps GDPR data privacy, which makes the cookie banner relevant for website owners to comply with GDPR data privacy.

Did anyone whisper drive more sales from your website? Bullseye.

Now, let’s build one that fits with the brand voice of every one of your websites.